Saturday, April 9, 2011

Whats Bugging Morgan?

Whats bugging Morgan? Read on to find out...

The Government Shutdown: We get it. Something must be done to cut the budget. Defunding NPR and Planned Parenthood isn't the way to go. Only 3% of Planned Parenthood's budget goes toward abortion. Shutting down the entire freaking government because you disagree with a social issue is insane. Appeasing the Tea Party is going to cost a lot of Republicans big in 2012 I believe. Obama hasn't been my favorite president lately but he needs to grow a pair and let the Republicans put up or shut up. With the econamy already on shaky ground how is it good business to do this? We can't agree on something so we are going to take our dolls and go home. I WISH we all had that option. "Well, I can't balance my checkbook. Looks like I'll take off to Bermuda for awhile.".

Gory Pictures In Magazines: Not once but TWICE this week I opened a mainstream US magazine and was greeted with a picture of a dead body. First TIME featured a picture of a face-down corpse in the sands of Japan where the Tsunami had washed it ashore. Even worse was Rolling Stone who ran an article on US "death squads" that showed a decapitated head from the jawbone up sitting on a rock! JESUS!!! I'm not overly squeamish but couldn't they do like the 11 PM news and warn us when something is going to be gory. I'm not saying these pictures shouldn't have been taken. They tell a powerful story, I agree. I just don't think it is right to spring something like that a page after an article about "Jersey Shore".

American Idol: Is it just me or does it stink this year? None of the contestants are very compelling and the "judging" sounds like a rehearsal at The Special Olympics! Everyone is "trying their best" and "getting better" every week. I never thought I would miss Simon Cowell but I do. I need him to come on the show and say something is "dreadful". Why did they save the bearded guy again? And why won't Paul whatshisname sing above a whisper? Is he afraid we might hear him?

Reposts on Facebook: "If you love our troops you will repost this inane and uninspired message so that it looks like you are a hero. Not as heroic as our troops of course but a hero and a great person for supporting them by copying and pasting. It literally is the least you can do."

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