Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Eye Candy - Joseph Gordon-Levitt

If I had to name my #1 celebrity crush it would have to be Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Joseph, or JoGo as I like to call him caught my eye shortly before he starred in "Mysterious Skin" which is one of my favorite books. Joseph was wonderful in the film and ever since then I have watched him blossom into a sexy leading man who will likely keep me glued to the screen for years to come!

My favorite JoGo films would have to be:
01. Mysterious Skin
02. The Lookout
03. Inception
04. 500 Days of Summer
05. Brick

Read more about Joseph Gordon-Levitt on IMDB!

Also, check out his Tumblr page!


  1. I happened upon your blog through a search for some Charlie McDermott (the “boy in the boxers” on ABC-TV's "The Middle") photos. I, too, admire Charlie McD's talents, thespian and otherwise.

    Then I wandered around a bit and discovered you are a fan of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, too. I just saw JG-L in "50/50," a truly excellent performance in a film that hits maybe a little bit too close to home for me right now, but one for which JG-L deserves at least an Academy Award nomination that he probably won't receive.

    The film also features Angelica Huston in the supporting and supportive role of JG-L's character's mother, Huston giving her usual stellar performance, in a small role that is both touching and funny.

    JG-L's co-star in the film is Seth Rogen, who drew upon his real-life experience with his own cancer-stricken buddy, the film's writer, Will Reiser. Rogen also co-produced the film.

    Though JG-L's character meanders from one, needy female airhead artist to a more meaningful one with another I won't spoil here, the real love story is between JG-L's and Seth Rogen's characters. A secondary plotline is of the bonds shared with fellow chemotherapy patients.

    Anyway, this film was a small treasure I discovered on the way to waiting for "J. Edgar" (with Leo DiCaprio) to be released, so I may have confirmed what I already suspect, that "J. Edgar" will become Hollywood's official condemnation of a complex but patriotic man who, whatever his faults, put the Federal Bureau Of Investigation (FBI) on the map, making the FBI the top-notch domestic police agency it is and has been for decades.

    I am somewhat disheartened to see, from a photo of JG-L here on your blog, that he is a Kool-Aid drinker, typical of other Hollywood left-wingers, wearing a B.O. (Barrack Obama)-stained t-shirt, in that same design as the hackneyed Che Guevara t-shirts.

    It would take more balls for JG-L to sport a Ronald Reagan or General George Patton t-shirt. But balls are reserved for men with more intellectual honesty and integrity than a Michael Moore or Sean Penn.

    Did you ever notice how many foolish young people, like sheep, wear those Che Guevara t-shirts, or the commie hammer & sickle logos, but how few will wear an Adolf Hitler or swastika t-shirt?

    And yet, each ideology is equally culpable for treachery and genocide. But apparently mass murder and deception is okay, as long as it comes from “the left” (or is bowed in prayer at a mosque).

    "Useful idiots" is what "Rules for Radicals" calls them. I simply cannot respect JG-L for being one more of a very large herd of "useful idiots," no matter how fine an actor or physically attractive a guy he may be. Being a loyal American and living in a safe, secure, and stable world is more important to me than any "Bareback Mountain" dreams. Hormones become emphatically less significant than heart as one grows older.

    But, fortunately, as the economy tanks further and the unqualified Obama has been revealed for what he is, as the "Emperor With No Clothes" he has always been, many of his minions are turning to other false idols in which to invest their foolish, impractical pipedreams.

  2. [Continued from previous post}:

    And many also now know, as they may have not in 2008, that without a teleprompter B.O. is just another of his tribe who says "axe” instead of properly pronouncing the word “ask,” as in “Did you axe me a question?” Great orator, indeed.

    Jesse Jackson wasn't a great orator. Martin Luther King wasn't a great orator, and neither is B.O. All just "useful idiots," if not outright commies, who exploit their own race to further divide America and Americans.

    Lefty faggots exploit their own gender preference to this end, feminist fascists exploit their gender, and radical Jews (that may be mostly redundant) their religion. It's all about tactics--divide & conquer--and as "old as the hills."

    Anyway, as regards B.O.'s alleged oratory skills--raising one's voice, alone, does not constitute great oration.

    James Earl Jones could be a great orator, because he has studied acting and diction. But, at least so far, he has had the sense not to run for public office.

    And since I raised the matter of "divide & conquer" tactics, the latest political dance craze is whatever localized version of "Occupy Wall Street." The tactic in this one is the also-old-as-the-hills one of "class warfare." Except this one is a harder nut for “the left” to crack, because, unlike plausible history of inequality based on race, gender and/or sexual orientation, most Americans do not see anything inherently wrong with private enterprise. In fact, the majority embrace the wonderful inventiveness, conspicuous consumerism, and dreams of home and business ownership that has made America the great nation it is.

    So, "Occupy Wall Street?" How about "Occupy A Personnel Office?" And take a bath and develop a resume before you apply for that job, kiddies.

    The officers of local law enforcement also need to “grow a pair,” and bust some commie heads in these occupations, if they continue to occupy public space in such a way that it destroys properties, disrupts traffic, and/or interferes with the rights of others.

    A protester’s right to assemble peaceably should never interfere with another’s right to go to work, or a child’s right to travel to her/his medical treatment appointment without a circumventing traffic route. And what good is law enforcement if the laws they enforce are that of an America-hating and left-wing hierarchy?

    Anyway, I still respect JG-L's acting and physical appearance. His education and ideology in certain, other areas, though, need some overhauling.

    By the way, I was prepared to just give an honest appraisal of JG-L’s performance in “50/50” before my eyes caught that hideous photo of JG-L wearing the t-shirt with the image of false idol B.O. But because I place more stock in love of my country (and a free world) than I do in some arbitrary entertainer, I may not ignore a red (or a “Red”) flag when I see one.

    But I thank you for showing this side of JG-L. Because better to be aware of and disappointed than to be blissfully ignorant. In the main, though, I can separate my appreciation of an actor’s performance (and his good looks, when blessed) from any politics, so long as the film itself is not a propaganda piece, or the performer (like Sean Penn, Janeane Garofalo, Jane Fonda, Alec Baldwin, etc.) someone so inextricably identified with politics I may not ignore that aspect. I simply do not watch films with those outright traitors appearing in them.

    I sincerely hope JG-L remains fairly apolitical. Because I want to like him, and continue seeing his development as an actor. And I’m hoping that by age 40 JG-L will be wearing a Barry Goldwater or George Patton t-shirt.
